An overview of Global Passport Award and application, with any questions answered.
Celebrating SDG week: The SDGs and GCE, Online CPD, Oct 26th 2023
Practical advice, lesson plans, and resources for engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Introduction to WWGS and Global Citizenship Education, Online Workshop, Sept 19th 2023
Essential for any new schools, or teachers to WorldWise Global Schools and Global Citizenship Education.
Business Studies CPD in conjunction with JCT Business
This workshop was part of the JCT Business Studies Elective CPD. It aims to help Junior Cycle Business Studies teacher to introduce sustainability in the business studies classroom.
Music and Migration and Refugees
This music material includes topics such as cultural infusion as a result of migration, supporting refugees through music and more.
Music and Global Equality
In this resource sheet you will find songs about global equality from around the world and a suggested activity on music and censorship.
Music and Peace and Justice
In this worksheet you will find songs from different countries about peace.
Music and Climate Change
In this resource sheet you will find links and lyrics to more and less popular songs talking about nature and its importance. The document includes some suggested activities.
Grant Call Information Session for Schools, Online, Apr 27th 2023
join us on April 27th at 4:00 pm and find out about the grant call guidelines and how to complete the application forms.
National Student Conference, March 28th 2023
The Student Conference will support students in getting to the root causes of global justice issues, as well as how to take meaningful action.