Accessing Your Online School Account
Access your WWGS Online School Account
If your school is in receipt of a WWGS grant this school year, your school will have an online account already. The 'lead' contact (usually the person who submitted the grant application) will have the log-in details. These may be shared with your colleagues so that multiple teachers will have access to the online account.
Find out how to access your school's account below.
Logging into your account
Log-in using your username (email address) and password. Reset your password if you can't remember it!
To access your online account please click on the button below.
Watch the video below to see how to access your online account
What is available on your online school account?
Your school can access:
- The Grant Application form - This is the form that details what you applied for, details of your project and your budget. You can also view previous years' applications.
- End of Year School Report - To report on the activities and spending for your annual grant, and view previous years' grant reports.
- Results of the Online Self-Assessment Tools (SAT) - See the results of your completed online SATs. These are the teachers and students reflection surveys undertaken at the beginning and end of the year. To access the SATs click on the "TOOLS" button below.
- Expense Claim Forms - To claim back travel and substitution expenses following attendance at WWGS Events and Trainings. Find out how to access and fill out the expense claim form in this video.
- Global Passport Award School Application - An Award which recognises and rewards quality GCE in schools.
Once online - Top Tips
- Once you have logged in, ensure you click the tab you wish to access.
- Then click "Go!". This opens up the information on that tab.
- If you wish to see your Grant Application or Report form, click on the most recent AP number (AP-XXXX) and year.
- If you wish to see your Global Passport Application form, click on the most recent GP number (GP-XXXX) and year.