WWGS Management, Governance and Privacy Policy
WWGS Management and Governance
WorldWise Global Schools is an Irish Aid funded programme that is implemented by a consortium of seven organisations: Self Help Africa (lead consortium member), Concern Worldwide, City of Dublin Education and Training Board Curriculum Development Unit, Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI), Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI), National Association of Principals and Deputies (NAPD) and the Ubuntu Network, School of Education, University of Limerick.
WWGS Consortium and Steering Committee
WorldWise Global Schools is overseen by a Consortium Steering Committee, which is responsible for overall programme governance. The Consortium Steering Committee comprises of:
- Martha Hourican, Self Help Africa
- Aidan Clifford, City of Dublin ETB Curriculum Development Unit
- Lauren Wright, Concern Worldwide
- Moira Leydon, Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI) and representing the Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI)
- Paul Crone, National Association of Principals and Deputies (NAPD)
- Deirdre Hogan, The Ubuntu Network, School of Education, University of Limerick
About the WWGS Consortium
The Consortium Steering committee recognise the importance of engaging with post-primary education settings to support the development of Global Citizenship Education. The Consortium Steering committee advises and provides expertise to WorldWise Global Schools on supporting schools in developing GCE that enables teachers and learners to envision a better future.
The Consortium Steering Committee recognise the teacher as a professional and understand that through the support from WorldWise Global Schools, teachers can be empowered to interpret the curriculum through a GCE lens to make it meaningful for learners. The role of the learner is centred around action, the curriculum and extra-curricular activities through which an understanding and engagement with global issues can be achieved in school and for the life beyond school. The Consortium Steering Committee endeavours to support and to advise WorldWise Global Schools in providing this.
The Consortium continues to engage with key stakeholders, such as the Department of Education and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in relation to curriculum reform at post-primary level and the National Strategy on ESD to 2030.
The WWGS Programme Director, Katie Chapple regularly reports to the WWGS Consortium on behalf of the programme.

WWGS Education Panel
This is an advisory group to the WorldWise Global Schools programme, which comprises representatives from both the formal education and GCE sectors. The Education Panel convenes formally twice a year, in addition to bilateral initiatives, and provides strategic advice for the programme. Bodies represented on the Panel include:
- The Department of Education
- The Department of Foreign Affairs (Irish Aid)
- The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)
- The Joint Managerial Body (JMB)
- The Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS)
- Irish Development Education Association (IDEA)
- The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD)
- The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI)
- The Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI)
- The Ubuntu Network
- Oide
- Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT)
- 80:20
- Self Help Africa
- Concern
- General Synod Board of Education
- Education Support Centres Ireland (ESCI)
- Education and Training Board Ireland
- An Foras Pátrúnachta
- Gaeloideachas