This workshop will help teachers to bring a broader global perspective to their teaching and learning. Advice will also be given on the ESD funding available to schools to apply for.
Digging deeper into Sustainability: A ‘how to’ guide, Online CPD, Oct 17th OR 18th 2023
Relevant CPD for all educators and management. A ‘how to’ guide for engaging with any themes, policies, or actions around Sustainability in the most impactful way.
Business Studies CPD in conjunction with JCT Business
This workshop was part of the JCT Business Studies Elective CPD. It aims to help Junior Cycle Business Studies teacher to introduce sustainability in the business studies classroom.
Geography and GCE – Curriculum Resources
Find links to articles and material on Geography related topics to use in class when exploring Global Citizenship Education.
Science, Thematic Workshop, Jan 21st 2021
Find our most recent webinar recording and resource specifically for Science, followed by additional resources to assist you.
Sustainability, DeGrowth and Responsible Consumption, Thematic Workshop, Nov 25th 2020
Watch the recording and find the resources of the WWGS thematic workshop on Sustainability, Degrowth and Responsible Consumption relating to Sustainable Development Goal 12.
Recycling and Waste, Thematic workshop, Nov 23rd 2020
Find our most recent webinar recording and resource specifically for Recycling and Waste followed by additional resources to assist you.