Age Group:
Junior Cycle / Senior Cycle / Transition Year
- Controversial Issues/
- Development/
- Identity and Diversity/
- Perspectives/
- Social Justice Mindset/
- sustainability/
- Geography/
Geography and Global Citizenship Education
Curriculum Resources
Thank you for following our link to Geography and GCE. Below you find our most recent webinar recording and resource specifically for Geography, followed by additional resources to assist you. Please get in touch with your Education Officer to learn more or if you have any questions on the resources.
WWGS Geography Resources:
- Doing GCE in Geography – Guidebook and activities for Junior Certificate Geography
- Geography Specific Webinar -Recording of 2021
- Global Justice Thematic Resource Sheets – Themes include: climate justice, food security, resource extraction, Energy and Human Rights. Compiled under each of the Global Goals – each sheet has activities, resources, video clips and suggested activities.
- Recorded Webinars on Global Justice Themes – Themes include: Poverty, Energy, Food Security (focus on seeds), Fast fashion and many more. Scroll down to access the recordings.
Teaching and Learning Materials/Sites:
- Development Perspectives
- Global Dimension
- Royal Geographic Society
- Global Education Padlet – Sharing a range of resources on themes covered in the session
- 80:20 Book – Development in an Unequal World
- Oxfam Education Website – workshops on various global justice themes
- Gap Minder – Using data to challenge outdated global misconceptions
- The Danger of a Single Story Ted Talk – Chimamanda Adichie
- The Worlds Largest Lesson – activities & lesson plans to explore the global goals
CBA – Geography in the News:
In the links below you can find articles on geography and environmental issues.
Digging Deeper – Critical question sheet for students when exploring Geography in the News
Mainstream News Sites focusing on Geography:
Magazines/ Sites focussing on Geography:
Student focused news sites:
Student Search Engine:
- Sweet search (focus on news and history)