Fáilte go WWGS 2024/25, Meán Fomhair 12 2024

Tabharfaidh an cheardlann seo breac-chuntas ar chur chuige WWGS, le béim faoi leith ar na 5 Threoirphrionsabal atá forbartha againn mar bhunús den Oideachas Saoránachta Dhomhanda (OSD) uile. Moltar go mór d’aon mhúinteoir a bhfuil baint acu le OSD freastal ar an traenáil seo mar réamhrá nó mar athnuachan.

Introduction to WWGS 2024, Workshop, Sep 10th 2024

This workshop will outline the WWGS approach, including the 5 Guiding Principles that underlie all our Global Citizenship Education (GCE). Highly recommended, both as an introduction and a refresher, for any teachers involved with GCE.

School Management Symposium, Iveagh House, Apr 17th 2024

Representatives from school leadership, our teacher advisory group, and education panel will provide many examples of progress, and quality GCE, taking place in the classroom and wider school community. We will also use the occasion to officially announce the successful applicants of The WWGS Global Passport Award 2024.