This workshop will give the right tools and right ways to educators to approach the crises that society is facing, from climate change to conflict, in a safe and balanced way in the classroom.
A Global approach to Sustainability, Workshop, Sep 17th or Sep 19th 2024
This workshop will help teachers to bring a broader global perspective to their teaching and learning. Advice will also be given on the ESD funding available to schools to apply for.
Human Rights Approach to Environmental Issues, Workshop, Dec 8th 2022
An online workshop that supports teachers with how to maintain a human rights approach when exploring environmental issues.
Modern Day Slavery
The abolition of the transatlantic slave trade began 200 years ago, and many schools marked this event. However, new forms of slavery are prevalent today.
Peace keeping
Peace and stability are central to sustainable development.
Conflict and the Global Arms Trade
The world cannot afford war. People cannot stand by while the numbers of war and environmental refugees soar, while poverty spreads like an epidemic and money for education, health, job training and other needed services are stolen to pay for weapons.
A 2019 UN report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has found that nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history.
Resource Extraction
Countries that are rich in natural resources are often poor and suffer from high rates of inequality, corruption, human rights abuse, and environmental degradation.
Sustainable Fishing
Overfishing is the process of catching too many fish at once, so that the breeding population becomes too depleted to recover.
Marine Pollution
Our oceans have become our dumpsters. Marine pollution threatens the health of our coasts and ocean and it comes in many different forms.