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August 17, 2022

Human Rights Approach to Environmental Issues, Workshop, Dec 8th 2022

Age Group:
Junior Cycle / Senior Cycle / Transition Year
  • Climate Change / Climate Justice
  • Environment
  • Goal 14
  • Goal 15
  • Human Rights
  • Life on Land
  • Life under Water
  • School Gardens
  • Agricultural Science
  • Biology
  • CSPE
  • Geography
  • WWGS Global Citizenship Education

Event Date

December 8, 2022

Event Time

9:30am – 11:30am


Online / Zoom

Human Rights Approach to Environmental Issues

This online training will support teachers with how to maintain a Human Rights Approach, an essential part of Global Citizenship Education, when exploring environmental issues.

Workshop Resources

Video Recording

Full recording: The Human rights approach to Environmental issues full recording playlist is available here.


  • Part 1: Digging deeper into what we mean and feel when we hear ‘Environment’. The importance of addressing the disconnect between people and planet when integrating human rights and environmental issues. 
  • Part 2: Input from Sumaya, student and climate activist, on her COP 27 experience, as well as her work as part of a collective movement.
  • Part 3 Input from Patrick Kirwan, teacher from Ardscoil na Mara, and founder of Irish Schools Sustainability Network (ISSN). Patrick provided an input on his ‘Environmental influencer’ classroom course, which aims to connect young people to the political system, and show how they can advocate, influence, and engage within it. 
  • Part 4: The importance of collective action, and examples of ways to integrate a human rights approach to environmental issues such as plastic, school garden, and world water day. 


  • Online interactive presentation: This is the online presentation that was used for the CPD, available here.

Some slides have icons like an eye. These icons, once clicked, will open up a web page with a resource, video, or article that is relevant to the slide and topic. 

  • Slides only Here are google slides with the slides only. The interactive icons in the online presentation will not work here, but you can pick, choose, and move around these slides for the classroom. 

Photo of WWGS Teacher Guidebook


WWGS How To Guide: Also available in hard copy form- please get in touch with us if you need a hard copy.

Our Digging Deeper Model on p14/15 of the guidebook can be used in tandem with any articles/videos/images to help students to critically explore and engage with the issue.

Other resources

You can download a document with all the resources mentioned below here.

The below was mentioned or touched on during the Human Rights Approach to Environmental Issues CPD, Dec 8th 2022. 

(Further resources including articles, podcasts, videos, etc.. can be found in our Resource Library on our website. Click into your relevant SDG goal, and various thematic resource sheets will come up)

Human Rights and Climate change online articles and further information

A disconnect between people and planet?

  • The Simpsons Video
  • Economist Jason Hickel website
  • Book: ‘Less is More, How Degrowth Will Save the World’ can be looked for, or ordered, in any local bookshop. WWGS funding can be used for purchasing this book. It is also available as an audio book. The content is accessible and can be used with students.

Indigenous peoples: informed custodians of biodiversity

Introducing the need for collective action and movements to advocate for radical change

Collective Action: Engaging with the Political System

  • Student Climate Activist Network (SCAN) twitter: @SCANireland, Instagram: scanireland


Exploring environmental issues using a human rights approach

– PLASTIC: (not an exhaustive list, examples of resources!)


– SCHOOL GARDEN: (not an exhaustive list, examples of resources!)
– WORLD WATER DAY: (not an exhaustive list, examples of resources!)

Education Officers:  We are here to help and support with integrating a human rights approach into Environmental issues, as well as anything else GCE related!  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any stage.