
For decades, global economies have focused on growth, often at the expense of the environment, traditional land use and land rights of indigenous people and the habitats of plant and animal species.

Child Labour

For tens of millions of children around the world, their basic rights are at risk because they have to work.

Energy and Human Rights

There is a clear link between reducing the use of fossil fuels and the effects of climate change that our planet and its people will experience in the future.


Poverty is not natural; it is man-made but the way that it is spoken about and particularly how people living in poverty are spoken about, does not reflect this.

Land Grabs

In today’s world landowners, agribusinesses, investors and governments want to acquire land to turn into crop plantations to make huge profits.

WWGS National Teacher Conference, Jan 27th 2022

Find the resources and the recordings of the WWGS National Teacher Conference on ‘Degrowth’. Learn how teachers can bring the concept in to their Global Citizenship Education teaching and learning.