All Resources
October 13, 2021

Strengthening your GCE, Workshop, Oct 14th 2021

Age Group:
Junior Cycle / Senior Cycle / Transition Year
  • Global Goals
  • SDGs
  • Workshops
  • Wellbeing
  • WWGS Global Citizenship Education

Event Date

October 14, 2021

Event Time



Strengthening your GCE workshop 2021

This workshop is for teachers who have been doing GCE for more than a year. Continuous Professional Development and Learning is particularly important for a discipline like Global Citizenship Education so it’s important to stay up to date with Theory and Practice so ensure you are on the right track. We can cover every global justice theme under the sun but if the approach isn’t right we could be in danger of sending our students down the wrong track.

Workshop Resources

Video Recording

The recording provides:

  • Description of the Bus methodology and how to build a group agreement.
  • Let’s Talk SDGs activities including a case study from CBS Clonmel.
  • Scaffolding your SDG programme
  • Presentation of the Digging Deeper activity (please find the resources used for the activity bellow)

Please find the recording here.


Activity resources

Let’s Talk SDGs activities ( Word Search Exercise)

Click on The Global Indicator Framework and open the document. Hit Ctrl and F to open the word search box. Open this document with words and phrases associated with global injustice. Type the word or phrase that you associated with global injustice into the search box.

  • Do your typed words or phrases appear in the Framework?
  • If so, what goals, targets and indicators are they connected to?
  • If not, why do you think this might be the case?

GCE Themes (Digging Deeper Activity)

During the webinar the participants had the opportunity to do the Digging Deeper Activity to critically explore Global Justice theme. Please find the description of the activity in the latest teacher’s handbook:  A How-to Guide to Global Citizenship Education (page 14).

Here are the images and questions for group work on Digging Deeper:

Case Study

Please find CBS Clonmel’s Case Study video on how they approached Goal 5: Quality Education here.

Even if you are watching this training online, please give your feedback on the Evaluation form that you can find here.