Age Group:
Junior Cycle / Senior Cycle / Transition Year
- Global Citizenship Education/
- Goal 10/
- Racial Justice/
- Student Conference/
- WWGS Global Citizenship Education/
Event Date
April 29, 2020
Event Time
Annual WWGS Student Conference 2021:
Racial Justice
The theme of the conference is our journey towards racial justice. The day focused on the particular Irish experience of racism, and how we can challenge ourselves and others to be actively anti-racist. A core part of the day was exploring actions we can take to cultivate a strong anti-racism culture in our schools and communities. It included the Global Passport Award Ceremony.
Workshop Resources
Video Recording
The recording has been divided in 6 videos:
- Video 1: Conference Opening and Introduction including Student Activity and Quiz on Racial Justice
- Video 2: Panel Discussion 1 Adult activists on racial justice
- Video 3: Panel Discussion 2 Student activists on racial justice and student optional activity
- Video 4: Panel Discussion 3 Student and Adult activists/artists
- Video 5: Global Passport Award Ceremony April 2021
- Video 6: Conference close and student rapporteur
The playlist is available here.
Other Resources
- Are you looking for resources on the Racial Justice issue? Check our thematic resources worksheet.
- Graphic harvest: Download in jpeg.