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February 28, 2022

Land Grabs

Age Group:
Junior Cycle
  • Goal 1
  • Agricultural Science
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • English
  • Geography
  • Home Economics
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Politics and Society

INTRODUCTION – Why is this a Global Justice Issue?

In today’s world many affluent landowners, agribusinesses, investors and governments want to acquire land to turn into crop plantations to export these crops to make huge profits. As a result, indigenous people are being forcibly evicted from their homes, relocated and are forced to migrate to urban areas with no livelihoods and they become homeless and poverty stricken as they are not able to grow food, access natural resources or earn an income. Habitats are destroyed, rainforests burned, substantial amounts of water used, and waste from biofuel production and fertilisers and pesticides used on the plantations pollute local drinking water further adding to the effects of climate change. People no longer have access to their land which they rely on for their food, shelter and livelihoods.

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