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Home Economics and Global Citizenship Education
On the 12th of January WWGS did a training for Home Economics teachers, please find below all the resources and the recording:
Full recording of Home Economics CPD: https://youtu.be/_rSMw1h8ZS0
The powerpoint presentation used: Home Ec Powerpoint CPD
We created a jam board of ideas that you can continue to populate and access
Home Ec/GCE Resources
WWGS Doing DE in Home Economics Junior Cycle: FINAL WEB WWGS_DoingDE_HomeEc-2020-ip4
Relevant thematic sheets to Home Economics connected with the Global Goals: (all of these sheets can be found at https://www.worldwiseschools.ie/resource-library2/
Food and Growing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_g1Thudu6EGdugXZA77e77k353fAfNS/view
Fast Fashion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ty1gL1Vgj2MwDhU7YLQf_oVWV9eLb4a-/view
Waste: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13H8CzGsM7CulEqE-7FGmddLh8v6oc1dP/view
Direct Provision: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1NN4oAxAfKWcgCQ9dymQSAGhyt37cFS/view
Other Home Ec guidance notes:
Resources relevant to Home Economics:
Cross curricular resource-Beyond the Symbols:
Aisling Collins of Goat Community School has some recommendations:
Oxfam resources on Food and Nutrition:
Behind the Barcodes although UK based gives good information and ideas for taking action:
Simulation Games on Food:
Recording and Powerpoint of Home Ec CPD presented by Aishling McGrath to St Angela’s College, Sligo in October 2020:
Home Ec CPD for St Angelas College students