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March 10, 2022

Access to Healthcare and Medicines

Age Group:
Junior Cycle / Senior Cycle / Transition Year
  • Goal 3
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Home Economics
  • Science
  • Wellbeing

INTRODUCTION – Why is this a Global Justice Issue?

The Global Goals are a great way to engage students in global justice issues. As WWGS is a Global Citizenship Education programme, it’s important to use the Global Goals targets and thematic areas that are relevant to global justice. Good health and wellbeing is vital for all people, no matter where they live. Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to ensure that all people, at every stage of life, can live healthy lives.

If exploring health and wellbeing with your students in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, it’s important to look at equal access to healthcare for everyone in the world. Does everyone have access to medicines and vaccines? Does everyone have a health facility nearby that they go to if they are sick? What are the barriers to this? Why is our access not equal? Why does the government not have enough funding to ensure universal health care? Why does the government not have the funding to cover basic healthcare? What parallel systems to a public system exist?


Access Resource File