This music material includes topics such as cultural infusion as a result of migration, supporting refugees through music and more.
Doing Development Education in Senior Cycle English
A WWGS resource in pdf that aims to support English teachers to teach english through Development Education/ Global Citizenship Education’s lens in Senior Cycle. The guide meets the requirements as laid out in the senior cycle English specification, and in the (2015) framework.
Migration and Direct Provision, Thematic Workshop, Dec 1st 2020
Find the WWGS webinar recording and resources specifically for teaching about Migration and Direct Provision (Sustainable Development Goal 10).
WWGS National Teacher Training, Jan 2020
WWGS National Teacher Training Jan 2020 Almost 100 teachers attended the WWGS National Teacher Training Conference focusing on migration. Here’s a copy of the agenda: WWGS Teacher Conference Agenda & Workshop Options You can find some photos of the conference here. Workshop Resources Aishling McGrath set the scene for the day-here’s the Introduction and Final slides: Slides from National Teacher …
Doing Development Education in Junior Cycle English
A WWGS resource that aims to support English teachers to teach english through Development Education/ Global Citizenship Education in Junior Cycle. The guide meets the requirements as laid out in the junior cycle English specification, and in the (2015) framework for Junior cycle.
Doing DE in Junior Cycle Visual Art
This WWGS resource aims to support Visual Art teachers to teach through a global justice lens, a lens with great educational benefits, which meets the requirements as laid out in the junior cycle Visual Art specification, and in the (2015) Framework for Junior Cycle.