Support Zone
Workshop Providers
WWGS Teacher Inputs
WWGS provide free tailored Global Citizenship Education trainings to schools. A few types of workshops we offer:
- Whole School Inputs (such as Croke Park hours)
- Planning workshops with the GCE teacher committee
- Subject specific trainings (we can do a number of subjects simultaneously)
Just let us know what you need and we can tailor the workshop to suit your specific context.
Student Workshops
WWGS generally do not provide student workshops, as we work directly with teachers instead. However, we provide a list of NGOs and independent facilitators who you can invite to deliver workshops with your students on a range of global justice themes.
NGOs delivering GCE Activities for Schools:
Please see our list below (ordered alphabetically) and contact them directly if you have more questions:
(Action From Ireland)
Programme Title: Global Citizenship Education
Global Justice Themes: Peace & Justice, Global Hunger, Migration and Refugees, Food/Seed Sovereignty, Climate Justice.
- Teacher Training on active learning methodologies for GCE
- Educational schools programme on using various creative methodologies including drama, story-telling and symbolism
- Outdoor classroom events with local/global dimension
- GCE resources for teachers to support independent teaching. Including a new resource "Interdependence Day: Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals through Drama for all Ages". It links to all subject areas, offering engagement with history, geography, languages, science and technology, ecology, ethics and religion, business and economics, politics and society, art, dance and movement, mathematics, even home economics! This workshop on the 28th January will show how drama activity can take place in a regular classroom even with Covid restrictions and social distancing.
“Everything is interdependent” – the Dalai Lama
Programme Title: Human Rights Education, Stories of Refuge, Stories of Welcome Project and Youth Activism
Global Justice Themes: Human Rights, Migration and Refugees, Individuals At Risk
- Stories of Refuge, Stories of Welcome Project –Students will learn directly from rights-holders through a series of workshops delivered by individuals seeking International Protection in Ireland. They will learn about human rights, refugee, and migrant rights and how they can affect real change in their communities. Participating schools will also receive an induction to the programme and the school community will gain an opportunity to connect with people living in local Direct Provision centres.
- Online/In-School workshops – Free workshops in schools on human rights education
- School Days – Usually held in Dublin (November). We invite schools around Ireland to join us in a day of workshops, talks and sessions on human rights.
- Human Rights Education Resources – Can be found online at
what-we-do/human-rights- education/ We also send our resources, activism opportunities and campaign updates to teachers via a monthly activism newsletter you can share with your students. Sign up here: activism-monthly-newsletter/ - School Groups – Set up an Amnesty school group in your school and join schools across Ireland in taking action for human rights. More information here: Human rights action guides - Amnesty International Ireland
- Human Rights Campaigns: Join one of our campaigns, including our Write For Rights campaign which takes place between Nov-Jan each year and take action for human rights across the world.
- The Activism Academy (TY and 5th year programme): It is a great way for Amnesty Ireland to create and support a new diverse group of youth activists and leaders who are knowledgeable about human rights and activism and know how to take simple but impactful action with others. The Academy will run in two different blocks. The first block will run over 3 months (October to December) and the second block will run over 3 months (February to April).
For the first block, the academy will focus on Right to Protest, Write for Rights and Anti-Apartheid Campaign. The second block will focus on Right to Protest, climate change and Pride. Each block will have a different group of participants so students can choose which block they would prefer to join. In May both groups will meet for a workshop to prepare for Amnesty Ireland’s presence during Dublin Pride Parade. Students can select the block that interests them the most.
Meetings will take place once a month in person from mid-October 2023 to May 2024, with 1 online meeting for each group. Each meeting will last approximately 2 hours. Students can register here.
We would ideally like to have at least two students join the Academy together so they will have a ‘buddy’ for the activism journey.
Instagram: @actamnesty
Programme Title: Get up and Goals project (A Partnership with Africa)
Global Justice Themes: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – focusing on the cross-cutting themes of climate change, gender equality, migration, and international inequalities.
- Free, downloadable curriculum linked teaching and learning units on the themes of climate change, gender equality, migration, and international inequalities.
- 3 volumes of a geo-historical textbook, with interactive map-based activities
All resources are available in English and other languages from 12 European countries, including Ireland.
Facebook:@GetupGoalsIE @GetupandGoals
Programme Title: The Global Goals Challenge - Development Education Trips
- Brigit’s Garden offers the Global Goals Challenge workshop to post primary students.
- In this three hour workshop, students work together in teams to complete a set of challenges based on the Sustainable Development Goals using cooperation and critical thinking. Teams complete hands-on tasks and solve problems on the theme of local and global development, guided by experienced facilitators.
- This experiential workshop takes place outside in the beautiful surroundings of Brigit’s Garden, where the sustainable and respectful use of nature is our priority.
- Students can learn from hands-on interaction with our hydro-electric unit, water wheel, solar panel energy calculator, poly tunnel, wood pellet boiler and weather station.
- This workshop is a fun way to work together to overcome obstacles and find solutions to some of the big challenges we are facing in today’s changing world.
Development Perspectives
Programme Title: SDG Challenge Schools
Global Justice Themes: Peace & Justice, Empathy, Solidarity, Action and Compassion.
- Teacher Training: increasing your capacity to incorporate GCE into your subject and use the SDGs in the classroom.
- Resources: A self-directed learning journal based on the SDGs - created and shared with schools every month.
- Student Workshops: Introductory and in-depth workshops for students on the SDGs and justice issues - both global and local.
- Action project: We support and encourage students to conduct an action project based on a topic of their choosing.
Overall goal: Increased capacity for schools to raise awareness and take action around the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Programme Title: Learning 2 Change Our World
Global Justice Themes: Poverty, Water Conflict, Energy, Child Labour, Modern Day Slavery, Circular Economy, Migration, Waste, Fast Fashion, Climate Justice, Marine Pollution, Sustainable Fishing, Wildlife Poaching, Resource Extraction, Global Biodiversity Crisis
- Online/In-School workshops – you can pick from a number of environmental topics including Fast Fashion, Biodiversity, Waste, Plastics, Climate Action, How to Complete an Action Project, and more! These workshops focus on Global Citizenship Education (Development Education), and are just as beneficial to school staff as they are to the students.
- The Young Environmentalist Awards – ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) is an all-Ireland environmental awards programme that recognises and rewards young people who raise environmental awareness and improve the environment. Schools/Classes can register their environmental projects with us up until March 27th to be entered into the 2021 Awards.
Contact Details:
UNICEF Ireland
Programme Title: UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools
Global Justice Themes: The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), active global citizenship.
This programme supports schools to embed children’s rights in their ethos and culture. It is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.
- CPD – Online and face to face CPD to support teachers to embed the CRC in their teaching practice. Participants will gain the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills to create a rights respecting environment in their classroom and wider school, in which children’s rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted to improve their well-being.
- Classroom Resources – A range of active learning and digital classroom methodologies, and planning tools, that promote child voice, critical thinking, empathy and understanding, and active global citizenship amongst students. Available to download for free from our website.
- Activism Toolkit – A guide for young activists.
Programme Title: Bridging the Gap: Making Financial Justice Accessible to All
Global Justice Themes: Inequality, Tax Justice, Debt Justice, Economic Literacy, Climate Justice, Financialisation, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Globalisation, Trade Justice, Intercultural Learning, Power Relations.
A range of offerings for key subjects: Geography; Business Studies; Economic; Politics and Society; Maths; History.
- Teacher Training workshops on active learning methodologies for GCE
- How the World Works 2 Resource suitable for Transition Year Geography, History, Economics and Religious Education
- ‘From Grassroots to Government’ - Resource suitable for Leaving Cert Politics and Society
- ‘We Can Solve It!’ - Resource suitable for Junior Certificate Mathematics
- ‘Not Business as Usual’ - Resource suitable for Junior Certificate Business Studies
- Tax detective online game
- ‘Econo-wha?’ 4-week annual course available to teachers
- Online teacher engagement portal for activities, linked to our thematic focus areas of economic and financial justice
- Regular, accessible, ‘plain English’ up-to-the-minute content designed for student use in the classroom, based on economic policy research and current affairs stories.
- LCA Maths resource
- LCA Social Education resource
- Short classroom-ready animation explaining debt
Email address:
Programme Titles: Beyond Borders; A Beginners Guide to Changing The World; and the Global Teachers Award (Teacher CPD)
Global Justice Themes: Understanding Root Causes of Poverty (with a focus on debt, trade, tax justice.) Refuge and Migration, Anti-Racism Perspectives, Gender, Human Rights, Solidarity/Taking Action.
- Beyond Borders/Schools of Refuge - A toolkit of creative and participatory approaches to engage secondary students in activities and discussion on refuge and migration issues, from a human rights and anti-racism perspective.
- A Beginners Guide to Changing the World – Activities and discussion to support students to explore root causes of global poverty, and how we can contribute to change.
- Teacher CPD – We offer training in the Beyond Borders approach and activities, as well as the Global Teachers Award (GTA), which is delivered at teacher training colleges, and on request to schools around the country. GTA workshops offer a range of practical approaches and methodologies to bring global issues into the classroom.
- Online/In-School workshops – Beyond Borders and ‘A Beginners Guide…’ workshops are available for schools.
- Retreats / Full Day workshops – A full day of engagement on Beyond Borders, ‘A Beginners Guide’ or other Global Justice themes, suitable for Transition Year or other groups.
- Change Makers: Workshop on developing strategy and tactics for taking meaningful solidarity action.
- Making Links: Teacher/Board workshop for schools engaged in, or considering, links with schools in the Global South, offering critical reflection on building meaningful solidarity relationships.
Contact: Vicky Donnelly
Programme Title: Action on Global Citizenship
Global Justice Themes: We engage with issues of sustainability and climate change, development and global justice, poverty and inequality, all from a participatory, action-oriented perspective.
What we offer:
- In-school workshops - Tailored for individual schools, these workshops inform and empower students to take action on global justice issues
- Teacher training – 4-week training to equip teachers with the skills to explore complex themes with classes and support student-led Global Citizenship campaigns. Sign up here.
- Online webinars – Enhance teachers’ ability to take a GCE lens to critical themes in their classrooms.
- Teacher toolkit - with a variety of interactive activities that link to post-primary subject areas and Sustainable Development Goals
- Online GCE tutorial videos – that demonstrate GCE activities in practice (currently in development)
- Faigh amach 'Action on Global Citizenship' i nGaeilge - Teacher toolkit and Training available as Gaeilge. Sign up here.
Contact Details: sdgs@
- Newly developed on-line engagements for 2nd level students and Youthreach groups. Specifically aimed at: Science, Home Economics, Business and CSPE studies and projects.
- A virtual field trip experience of a centre for sustainability in Ireland. A fully interactive tour of The Hollies in West Cork which explores a wide variety of sustainable food production solutions, examples of social enterprise, low impact building options and community action options in an Irish context. The on-line tour can be followed up with a live Q&A's session with our facilitators.
- Community Rights & Responsibilities. Explore the UN Global Goals through a Human Rights lens with a facilitator who can draw on personal experience as a former refugee from Somalia who settled in Ireland via the Direct Provision system, also as a Muslim woman living in Ireland bringing up three teenagers and academically as a lecturer in UCC in Global Peace Studies. Classroom activities and live on-line engagement is offered.
Programme Title: Irish Aid Centre online workshops
Our online workshops, suitable for Transition Year, CSPE and Junior Cycle Geography explore the work of Irish Aid and how this contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This material is suitable for classroom based as well as home learning. Find videos, lesson plans and worksheets to download here.
Tá na ceadrdlanna canna ar fáil i nGaeilge chomh maith ag:
Contact Details:

Programme Title: The Yellow Flag Programme
Global Justice Themes: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
What We Offer:
- A practical series of 8 steps that brings issues of interculturalism, equality and diversity into the whole-school programme and allows schools to apply them to the day to day running of the school. Applications to take part in the Yellow Flag Programme will open in March 2024.
- In collaboration with WWGS and CFI launches brand new resource to support schools in building youth leadership through a global citizenship education lens. Introducing the brand-new Value Youth Leadership Toolkit, developed by young minds, for young trailblazers. This toolkit is all about youth empowerment, participation, and fostering intercultural communities through a GCE lens. Developed with the programmes 'Diversity Committee' members in mind, this resource will also suit teachers who are thinking about applying to take part in the programme, or teachers who want to delve into developing the youth leadership in their school. Click here to visit the toolkit.
Programme Title: Latin America in the Spanish Classroom: Teaching and Learning Solidarity in Secondary Schools
Global Justice Themes: Globalisation and Interdependence; Climate Change and Climate Justice; Trade and Economic Growth; Fair Trade; Sustainability and Natural Resources; Peace, Conflict and Stability; Tax and Trade; Human Rights and Responsibilities; Ethical Production and Consumption; Migration and Refugees.
What We Offer:
- Workshops (Online for now) with senior cycle incorporating Latin America into the Spanish curriculum through global citizenship education themes.
- Teacher trainings on global citizenship education; incorporating Latin America into the Spanish curriculum; and using LASC teaching resource.
- Teacher accompaniment for class projects based on workshop content.
Programme Title: Exploring Global Citizenship through Creative Writing
Global Justice Themes: Climate change, hunger, disease, child labour, Fairtrade and gender.
Offers: Residencies/workshops with writers to explore global issues through creative writing, poetry, drama, stories, plays and performance.
Contact: Moira Cardiff at,
Website: https://www.
Programme Title: Self Help Africa's Global Citizenship Education programme
Global Justice Themes: Sustainable agriculture, trade justice, food security, gender inequality and exploring the UN Global Goals. All with a specific focus on the reality for rural communities and farmers in East Africa.
- How to be safe and sound as a Digital Global Citizen? Unpick fake news & misinformation , what is private and public data in the digital age? How to be an effective social media activist?
- Trade Justice, Case Study: Chocolate. We love chocolate, we consume ever increasing amounts, however the farmers of cocoa are getting less and less of a share of the profits and the majority live in poverty. Why is this? How can this be just? How does this reality reflect on the experience of Irish farmers and food producers as a whole?
- More trees, please!: More trees are being planted across the globe than ever before and trees are an effective response to climate change and biodiversity loss. But are the right trees being planted for the right reasons? Ireland badly needs more native trees, having one of the lowest land coverage of woodlands in the EU.
- ‘Levelling the field’; Gender equality: “Equality (development) in the world cannot be achieved when half of the world is held back.” Malala Yousafzai. The majority of Africa’s farmers are women, but they do not own the land or have access to credit or training. How is this changing and how can we campaign for greater change, not just abroad but in Ireland too?
SUAS STAND Global Issues
Programme Title: Global Issues Mini-Courses
Global Justice Themes: Human Rights & Dignity, Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Frameworks for understanding human rights and human development
- Online workshops that aim to develop your critical thinking skills and provide the toolkit for analysing global issues
- Workshop-style sessions that include plenty of interactive discussions, debates and group work.
- Opportunity to assess your knowledge for any potential biases and challenge frameworks and concepts in previous applications of development education
- Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from STAND. Participants must have attended at least three out of the four sessions in order to receive their Certificate of Completion.
Facebook: @
Young Social Innovators (YSI)
Programme Title::Championing the SDGs Workshop
Global Justice Themes: SDGs
The workshop aims to increase awareness among teenagers around the UN SDGs and create leadership within school communities to champion and encourage action around the Goals. Integral to its format is the design of an SDG Champion Action Plan which some students will lead in the school community. Contact your local leader to book or email for more information.
Contact details: educate@youngsocialinnovators.