Global Passport

Stamp 4, Student Capacity: Part 1.

Student-Led Actions

Teachers create awareness and equip learners with critical thinking that requires them to make connections between local and global development issues and determine an appropriate action-based response. Ideally a cross section of students are involved in deciding upon, organising and implementing actions that can involve as many people as possible from the school body, parents and community.


Global Goals 2015 — The Global Goals for Sustainable Development are a set of new targets for countries around the role to achieve in the next 15years. These provide an excellent starting point for students who wish to take local action on global justice issues.

The Worlds Largest Lesson Website
The Worlds Largest Lesson – Video (examples of student action)

Grassroots Agreements, Grassroots Advocacy: Youth and Governance in a post -2015 WorldWise Global Schools

This guide provides assistance for young people to engage in grassroots advocacy – ensuring they are represented and their voices heard in decision-making. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to take action to make a difference and develop an advocacy plan.

Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit

Student Council

For students wishing to organize in themselves to take action on DE, this resource can provide support and assistance for setting up a student council and developing a policy.

Voice for Students Resource
Student Council Template

Young people design projects as part of Post-Primary Initiatives:

Young people can get involved and take local actions on a range of global justice issues. They can gain a range of supports for developing their project from a the various post-primary initiatives such as:

Young Social Innovators

Students are encouraged to undertake projects on a range of categories such as Emigration; Environment / Climate Justice, Human Rights, Equality, Immigration; Inclusion / Integration and Sustainable Development / One World/ Global Issues.

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

Students can apply for the ‘Science for Development Award’ which is for research projects that address global challenges; ensure local to global links; and provide a global context for tackling the chosen development issue. Examples of topics include: climate change, sustainable agriculture, gender inequality, clean water and sustainable energy.

More info on Science for Development Award

ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards

ECO-UNESCO run a ‘Local to Global Award’ for projects which show a commitment to raising awareness of Global Justice and Sustainability Issues.

Young Environmentalist Awards

Concern Debates

The Concern debates offer students the opportunity to research and debate global justice issues. Through this process they build valuable skills in researching and debating. The competition runs annually and there is a handbook to support teachers, students and adjudicators in the process.

The Concern Debates
Concern Debates – Resources and Workshops

An Oxfam Guide for Schools Raising Money

Development Education is about fostering a sense of solidarity with those facing injustice in the world. Students explore the root causes of the injustice, explore the issue from a local to global perspective, and stand with people who suffer as a result of the injustice and take meaningful action to address the issues. A charity approach is not encouraged in DE as it can frame those facing the injustice as the other in need of ‘help’. While fundraising is a valuable activity in many schools it does not fall neatly into DE action. As funds raised are often utilised to address the symptoms of the injustice (poverty) rather than addressing the root causes and gives the power to the charity to create change (not the student). However charity can be a strong within the ethos in a school and has a function to play (outside of DE). Therefore if your school is already undertaking fundraising activities, this is a good guide to assist you to undertake this in a responsible way.

Oxfam Guide for Schools Raising Money

Practical School Examples:

Here are some examples from the applications of Global Passport Awardees. These provide some great examples for what your school can do in this school category:

Loreto Abby, Dalkey

“Teachers do equip learners with the critical thinking skills required to make connections between local and global development issue. Students in senior cycle RE were surveyed in January 2017 to discover what DE topics they wanted to explore in more detail. The Justice and Peace group are solely responsible for the area of DE they wish to focus on. The group is purely student led…but teacher guided!” Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2017

Hansfield Educate Together, Dublin

“Students have been taught the skills to make films, write raps, create meals from Fair Trade projects and they share this learning with parents. At an inter-school event last year Hansfield students presented their work on World Hunger to students from Ballymakenny College and prepared a World Food banquet. The students decided on these activities and directed their learning on topics they are interested in in the choice of the topic”. Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2016

Beaufort College, Meath

Students have run the following workshops

  • “Glocal Fest Fair Trade student led workshops
  • “We Are the World” – music initiative.
  • “”Jumbo Wanna” – student dance performance.
  • “No to Child Labour” – Art Exhibition.
  • “Trading Game” – facilitated by students.
  • Geography Quiz – student led.
  • Mace Debating initiative led by student debating group.”

Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2015

Ballinamore Community School, Leitrim

“Various workshops were organised for students and this facilitated in further class discussions on the topics explored at the workshops. Students then decided to start growing some food in school to solidify their understanding of food sustainability and carbon footprint”.  Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2015