Global Passport

Stamp 4, Student Capacity: Part 2.

Student GCE Committee

This category relates to the development of a committee of students who take leadership to support and coordinate GCE activities within the school. Ideally it is student led with representation from each year group. 


Establishing a GCE Committee

This guide provides guidance and tips for students who wish to set up a GCE committee:

Establishing a GCE Committee

Seeds for Change Guides – Designed to give practical tips to help groups run effectively

Below are a number of guides which can be used by student groups to assist them with organising as a GCE Committee.   Seeds for Change provide a vast array of resources, so do check out their website for more tools. 

Consensus Decision Making
Facilitating Meetings
Creating a Group Agreement


Professor Laura Lundy’s Model of Youth Participation is a guide to help organisations ensure if they are empowering young people to have real influence in decision making. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth have published a Framework based on Lundy’s work which can be accessed here.

The Lundy Voice Model Checklist for Participation

Practical School Examples:

For examples of how students have organised themselves to take action on DE themes see Stamp 2: Extra-Curricular, sub category: Justice & Rights Based School Groups These groups can provide representation on DE related issues within the school.

Below are some great examples from previous Global Passport Awardees which you can use in your school!

Cork Educate Together Secondary School

“We have two student members of our board of management who are aware of our DE focus. We also have monthly student assemblies where we hope that DE issues will become an integral part of our planning and decision making amongst staff and students”.  Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2017

Comeragh College, Tipperary

“Student council members along with the WWGS committee have represented the student community in the planning and decision process of school activates and initiative.. The student council members approached management about the water waste and increase in plastic bottles waste due to the allocation of large water bottles at lunchtime. Students suggested using smaller bottles and non screw caps to reduce water waste and the weight of waste bags. They also encouraged newspapers to be displayed on a daily basis to highlight worldwide issues. Students are in charge of the noticeboard display also.” Citizens Global Passport Award Winner 2017

Willow Park School, Dublin

“The DE Committee is comprised of five teachers and twenty students (with representatives from each class group). In connection with their CSPE teachers, students chose the DE theme (home) and decided upon all the actions undertaken.” Special Global Passport Award Winner 2016

Davis College, Cork

“Often, the members of the MUN club come up with common strategies to be implemented in school regarding the financing of the club itself, DCMUN and the participation in conferences abroad, as well as possible changes in the school curriculum to foster MUN and Development Education in Davis College. This is done together by teachers and students. The ideas and conclusions are then communicated to the school administration always by a teachers and a representative of the students. Next year the TY curriculum will include a MUN Module where Development Education issues will be at its very core. This came from one of those MUN club meetings and the Principal has already agreed to it.” Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2015