Global Passport

Stamp 4: Student Capacity & Engagement

The ‘Student Capacity and Engagement’ stamp provides guidance on how to give students a key role in GCE within the school. This is a vital stamp for empowering students to become global citizens for change! 

Student Capacity: Covid-19 Adaptations

Student Capacity and Engagement Video Guide:

John Magee of Millstreet Community School shares his experience of implementing the Student Capacity and Engagement stamp. Click here to be inspired!

Student Capacity & Engagement resources::

There are 3 categories within this stamp. Please click on the category titles below for resources and practical school examples to support and inspire your school to achieve this stamp.

1. Student GCE Committee
2. Peer Education for GCE Learning
3. Global Citizenship Skills Development
4. Student-Led Actions
5. Reflection