Philosophy and GCE

Find articles and teaching resources on Philosophy and Global Citizenship Education.

Gender Equality

“Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.” United Nations


Here’s a few resources you can use if you are exploring water as a theme.

Root causes

Root Causes Activity Global Citizenship Education involves exploring the root causes of poverty, injustice and inequality. Everyday we are exposed to the consequences but rarely the root causes. WHY is always the most important question. Here are the print outs (in pptx) for an activity you can do with your students: Ranking Reasons-2 Instructions: Print out 6 sets of the …


Resources on the theme of plastics.

English Resources

English is a great subject to explore Global Citizenship Education. A good start is Toni Pyke’s blog on Using Novels to Explore Development Issues: Using novels to explore development issues: some initial ideas and suggestions We have a WWGS guide for English – Jun Cycle and Senior Cycle based on the suggested texts and other ideas.   Here’s a few …