Global Passport
Teacher Capacity & Engagement
4. Entire Staff Engagement
WWGS encourage at least one member of staff who can provide supports to teachers to integrate GCE into their subject areas. However, ideally teachers from a range of both Junior and Senior Cycle are taking leadership on / engaging with GCE in the school.
These teachers would ideally be integrating global development issues and methodologies into all of their teaching and extra curricular activities.
Ciara McMackin, Kishoge Community College, Diplomatic Passport Award Winner 2020
‘All subjects include a GCE aspect – a connection to our global citizenship. This is planned for at a school, department and class level and included in schemes of work and lesson plans, as praised in our recent WSE-MLL (Whole-School Evaluation – Management, Leadership and Learning)’
Staff has prepared GCE lessons with a cross-curricular link to their subject – literacy, numeracy and science week have all included GCE cross curricular lessons’.
Peter Keane, Maynooth Post Primary, Diplomatic Passport Award Winner 2020
‘The entire staff were involved in CPD on GCE when Lizzy from WWGS can to speak at the staff meeting in December. Between 20-50% of staff teach elements of GCE in their classes especially junior cycle. E.g. well being modules of Active community (1st year) and Global citizenship (2nd year), CSPE etc’.
How can you increase staff engagement in your school?
Display the WWGS Whole School Approach Poster
Highlight all of the possible GCE themes with a WWGS Poster! Request a hardcopy and display this in your staff room to raise awareness or/and use it as a tool to assist with cross-curricular planning.
A Whole School Approach to DE poster
Create a Noticeboard
Raise awareness and excitement around GCE in your school by creating a GCE display in your school.
Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin Special Global Passport Award Winner 2015
“With the addition of a new staff member qualified in GCE, we have the opportunity to build on our GCE profile by using online resource links for subjects to use in teaching and learning and for tutors to access during assemblies etc. Our shared drive on Teacher Public folder also means staff share resources easily.”
Avail of WWGS Training
WorldWise Global Schools provide support visits, workshops and CPD training to assist schools in their whole school planning.
We are all set up for online training with your staff as a whole staff, subject department, GCE committee or just interested staff members-we will tailor make our training to fit your needs.
Meet with School Management
Many schools use the Croke Park hours to give time and space for WWGS training. This can happen quite easily… by asking! GCE Teachers have arranged with their principals to use at least one hour of the 33 whole staff hours for GCE training. If there are no hours available, GCE teachers have also arranged that teachers’ individual Croke Park hours can be used for GCE training bringing together a number of individual teachers for optional training.
Do something nice for your colleagues!
In an effort to get more staff on board with her Global Citizenship Education programme, Rosie Finane teacher in Scoil Mhuire, Trim simply invited her staff to have free Fairtrade coffee and chocolate one break time, it was enough to grab their attention and get many more staff members on board.