Global Passport
Stamp 5, School Leadership: Part 3.
DE Integrated into School Planning and Evaluation Processes
Having DE integrated into school planning and evaluation processes ensures that it is deeply imbedded into schools priorities. Ideally the majority of teachers and student representatives from junior and senior cycle would be involved in this process.
Below are some resources and practical school examples to guide you through implementing this stamp category:
WWGS Self Assessment Tool (SAT)
The SAT can be utilized as the standard way in which schools monitor and evaluate the impact of DE in their schools. This can be adapted to suit the monitoring needs of the school or alternatively the sample indicators to be included in existing school evaluation processes.
SAT Template – Students doc
SAT Template – Teachers PDF
SAT Template – Teachers doc
SAT 1 Page Guide
Sample Indicators
Practical School Examples:
Here are some examples from the applications of Global Passport Awardees. These provide some great examples for what your school can do in this school category:
Here are some examples from the applications of Global Passport Awardees. These provide some great examples for what your school can do in this school category:
Loreto College, Foxrock, Dublin
“In staff CPD, all junior subject departments have been asked to implement one Dev Ed “target”, similar to literacy and numeracy into their planning. This has started in the last term this year – hence, it will have to be reassessed at a later date. Some time in staff meetings and CPD has also been given to subject department groups for this planning” Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2016
Willow Park School, Dublin
“All staff are updated re, DE activities at staff meetings. DE is on the agenda of each staff meeting, each planning meeting and each subject department meeting (for a sample please see attached doc)” Special Global Passport Award Winner 2016
Beaufort College, Meath
“DE is a recognised part of Beaufort College curricular and extra-curricular planning. It has been highlighted during School Self Assessment and Staff planning days. The DE / Multi-Cultural aspects of Students’ experiences in the college were highly commended in feedback from a recent DEIS inspection.” Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2015
Holy Family Community School, Rathcool
“Each subject department has been presented with our DE aims for the year and has been presented with resources for their subject area. The majority of departments have completed our main aim which was to include two learning outcomes related to DE on their subject plan.” Diplomatic Global Passport Award Winner 2015